"Nevertheless death reigned from Adam until Moses, even over them that had not sinned after the likeness of Adam's transgression, who is. figure of him that was to come". "Death reigned: Ungodliness gripped the world. "Held sway over mankind (Phi), (1 Peter 3:19).. mere reading of Genesis provides many examples of spiritual death reigning in the world prior to the Law of Moses (Cain, his descendants, the flood, Sodom and Gomorrah, Joseph's brothers). " After the likeness of Adam's transgression: Spiritual death reigned, even though men didn't sin exactly like Adam had sinned. The point is that sin, in any of its manifestations, brings death. Sins of omission kill as well as sins of commission. Violation of one law of God kills, as well as violation of another law. We can never adopt the attitude that says that God doesn't care about some sins (James 2:10; Acts 5:1 ff; Leviticus 10:1; 1 Samuel 2:22). POINT TO NOTE: Since these people died as. result of their own sin and it wasn't like Adam's, then they surely didn't die from Adam's sin. The distinction between theirs and Adam's would be non-existent if they had died because of Adam's sin. People die because of their own sins. (Colossians 2:13; Ephesians 2:1). "Who is. figure of him that was to come": Adam is the "who" in this verse and Jesus is "of him that was to come" (1 Corinthians 15:22; 1 Corinthians 15:45). The term "figure" means: "type, counter-part". Adam was the father of the race as it fell under bondage to sin. Christ is the father of the race as it finds salvation from God by grace.

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Old Testament