"And the law came in besides, that the trespass might abound; but where sin abounded, grace did abound more exceedingly"."The law": The Law under consideration is the Law of Moses, Paul is now talking about the period of time from Mount Sinai to the cross of Christ. " That the trespass might abound": Paul makes it clear that "Law" isn't or wasn't the answer to man's problem. The Jew might claim that, "Well, the problem was that they didn't have the right kind of law". But even with the introduction of the Law of Moses, sin didn't cease, IT ONLY MULTIPLIED! (Galatians 3:21). One of the purposes of the Law of Moses was to teach the Jewish people that more law wasn't the answer to their problems. God allowed/purposed such to happen that men might realize the need for grace/forgiveness, i.e. the need for. Savior. "This would help them to realize more and more their need of some other means of deliverance" (Whiteside p. 127).

"Grace did abound more exceedingly": "All the more" (NASV); "surpassed it by far'" (Mof). Grace was more than. match for sin, because grace can give life even after many transgressions.

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Old Testament