For scarcely for. righteous man will one die: for peradventure for the good man some one would even dare to die.

'For' -and how apparent was the love of this action on His part? 'Christ's death for the ungodly assures us of God's love; for the utmost that human love will do is far less. (Gr. EX. N.T. p. 625)

'scarcely' -'hardly', 'Now it is an extraordinary thing for one to give his life even for an upright man' (Amp)

'righteous man' -the man who won't cheat you, the one who acts on the cold principle of justice, who will abide by what is right though he may not appeal to you as to bring out affection.

'peradventure' -'though perhaps' (NASV); 'though once in. while' (Wms)

'good man' -'a generous friend' (Wms). He is the man who is large-hearted, benevolent. He is righteous, but he is more than that. He is the kind who brings affectionate feelings out of. person. Someone you could 'like'. [Note: McGuiggan p. 165]

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Old Testament