Romans 6:12 Let not sin therefore reign in your mortal body, that ye should obey the lusts thereof:

'Let not' -Here is the call to resist sin. Becoming. Christian doesn't remove the need for self-control. Free-will is written all over these verses.

'Reign' -936. basileuo bas-il-yoo'-o; from 935; to rule (literally or figuratively): -king, reign. 'Present active imperative, "let not sin continue to reign" as it did once.'

(Robertson p. 363)

'Paul addresses that part of man which has the control of the body..the body is. mere instrument to be used by the inner man, for good or bad. Our natural appetites and passions are not evil within themselves. They are God-given, and become evil only when they become the master, and thereby lead us into sinful thoughts and deeds.'

Here is great hope for the person ensnared by some sinful habit,. pleasure that seems impossible to give up. God believes that Christians have within ourselves the ability to resist sin! We can refuse to be the slave of our lusts. (James 4:7; 1 Peter 5:9; 2 Timothy 2:22)

'Mortal bodies' -2349. thnetos thnay-tos'; from 2348; liable to die: -mortal(-ity). The body destined to die, must not be allowed to cause spiritual and eternal death!

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Old Testament