1 CORINTHIANS 11:2 u`ma/j
It was to be expected that, at the beginning of a new section and
following evpainw/ de. u`ma/j, many witnesses would interpolate
avdelfoi, (D F G K L Y 33 88 104 326 623 915 1831 it vg syrp, h goth
ethpp). If the word were present originally (as at 1 Corinthians 10:1
and... [ Continue Reading ]
1 CORINTHIANS 11:10 evxousi,an {A}
The presumed meaning of the difficult evxousi,an in this passage is
given by the explanatory gloss ka,lumma “a veil,” read by several
versional and patristic witnesses (copbomss arm? ethro
Valentiniansacc. to Irenaeus Ptolemyacc. to Irenaeus Irenaeusgr, lat
Tertu... [ Continue Reading ]
1 CORINTHIANS 11:15 de,dotai @auvth|/# {C}
The absence of auvth|/ in î46 D E F G Y and many other witnesses, as
well as the variety of its position either before or after de,dotai,
might lead one to reject the word (as G. Zuntz argues on the basis of
sense; see _The Text of the Epistles,_ 1953, p.... [ Continue Reading ]
1 CORINTHIANS 11:24 Tou/to {A}
The Textus Receptus, following C3 K L P most minuscules syrp, h goth
ethpp, adds from Matthew 26:26 the words la,bete fa,gete. If these
words were present originally in Paul’s account, no good reason can
be found to explain their absence from î46 a A B C* D F G 33 10... [ Continue Reading ]
1 CORINTHIANS 11:29 pi,nwn … sw/ma {A}
The meaning of the shorter text, which is preserved in the best
witnesses (î46 a* A B C* 33 1739 copsa, bo _al_), was clarified by
adding avnaxi,wj (from ver. 1 Corinthians 11:27) after pi,nwn and tou/
kuri,ou after sw/ma (ac C3 D G K P most minuscules it syrp... [ Continue Reading ]