1 Corinthians 2:15 @ta.# pa,nta {C}

Of the two textual problems involved in this passage, the presence (aa B Db P Y 33 614 1739 al) or absence (î46 A C D* G al) of me,n is the easier to resolve. Although it is possible that copyists may have omitted the word because it seemed to be inappropriate following de, at the beginning of the sentence, the Committee thought it more probable that the word was added by pedantic copyists in order to provide a correlative for the following de,. It is more difficult to decide what to do with ta,. Was the word added in order to prevent the reader from taking pa,nta as masculine singular; or was it omitted, either accidentally (tapanta) or deliberately, so that the statement would be in accord with the precedent in ver. 1 Corinthians 2:10? On the strength of î46 A C D* al the Committee retained the word in the text, but, in view of its absence from many other important witnesses, enclosed the word within square brackets.

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Old Testament