1 John 3:21 h` kardi,a @h`mw/n# mh. kataginw,skh| {C}

In the following tabular arrangement the eleven different readings are subsumed under four principal readings:

(1)h` kardi,a mh. kataginw,skh| B Origen
(2)h` kardi,ah`mw/nmh. kataginw,skh| C1 1852 2464 Origen
(3)h` kardi,a mh. kataginw,skh|h`mw/n(A) Y (33) 322 436 945 (1241) 1739 John-Damascus
h` kardi,a mh. kataginw,skeih`mw/nA 33
h` kardi,a mh. kataginw,skeiu`mw/n1241
(4)h` kardi,ah`mw/nmh. kataginw,skh|h`mw/n(a*) K (049) 056 0142 81 104 181 326 330 451 614 623 629 630 (1243) (1505) 1844 1877 1881 (2127) 2412 2492 (2495) Byz Lect itr vg syrph arm eth Origen Didymus Ps-Athanasius (John-Damascus)
h` kardi,au`mw/nmh. kataginw,skh|h`mw/n2127
h` kardi,au`mw/nmh. kataginw,skh|u`mw/n2495
h` kardi,ah`mw/nmh. kataginw,skh|u`mw/n1505
h` kardi,ah`mw/nmh. kataginw,skwh`mw/n a*
h` kardi,ah`mw/nmh. kataginw,skeih`mw/n049 1243 John-Damascus

On the one hand, it can be argued that reading (1) is original and that h`mw/n is a natural addition supplied by copyists in accord with the usage of the preceding verses. On the other hand, a majority of the Committee was unwilling to adopt a reading that may be the result of Alexandrian pruning (B Origen), and preferred to follow those witnesses that read h`mw/n after kardi,a, in which position the pronoun can serve also as the object of the verb. In view, however, of the general excellence of codex Vaticanus, it was thought best to enclose the pronoun within square brackets. (The reading kataginw,skw of a* is, of course, a scribal blunder, and the replacement of h`mw/n by u`mw/n in a variety of witnesses arises from the circumstance that in later Greek both words were pronounced alike.)

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Old Testament