1 PETER 5:2 @evpiskopou/ntej# mh. avnagkastw/j avlla. e`kousi,wj
kata. qeo,n {C}
It is difficult to decide whether one should follow the authority of
such important witnesses as a* B _al_ and regard the inclusion of
evpiskopou/ntej in î72 a2 A and most other witnesses as an exegetical
expansion (ma... [ Continue Reading ]
1 PETER 5:3 mhdV w`j katakurieu,ontej tw/n klh,rwn avlla. tu,poi
gino,menoi tou/ poimni,ou {A}
Because of some unaccountable quirk in transmission, this verse is
lacking in codex Vaticanus.... [ Continue Reading ]
1 PETER 5:6 kairw|/ {A}
After kairw|/ the Textus Receptus adds evpiskoph/j, with A P (Y) 5 28c
33 104 181 326 436 623 913 1827 1898 vg syrh with * copbo eth Ephraem
Bede. The word, which is absent from î72 a B K L 0206 most minuscules
syrp, htxt copsa Origen, appears to be a scribal addition deriv... [ Continue Reading ]
1 PETER 5:8 @tina# katapiei/n {C}
After zhtw/n there are three main variant readings: (_a_) tina
katapiei/n “[seeking] someone to devour”; (_b_) ti,na katapi,h|
“[seeking] whom he may devour”; and (_c_) katapiei/n “[seeking]
to devour.” (The reading ti,na katapi,ei is a transcriptional error
either... [ Continue Reading ]
1 PETER 5:10 u`ma/j {A}
The Textus Receptus, following later Greek manuscripts, reads h`ma/j
instead of u`ma/j, the latter of which is supported by the
overwhelming preponderance of evidence. In later Greek, the vowels h
and u were pronounced alike, and it is altogether possible that some
copyists... [ Continue Reading ]
1 PETER 5:11 to. kra,toj {B}
The variation of position of h` do,xa (before kra,toj in a K P 049 056
0142 88 104 181 326 330 _al_; after kra,toj in 33 81 614 630 945 1241
1505 1739 1881 _al_), as well as its absence from such witnesses as
î72 A B Y vg ethro, can be explained best on the assumption... [ Continue Reading ]
1 PETER 5:13 Babulw/ni {A}
Instead of Babulw/ni a few minuscules (4mg 1518 2138) read ~Rw,mh|.... [ Continue Reading ]
1 PETER 5:14 avga,phj {A}
Instead of avga,phj, the scribes of several minuscule manuscripts (436
1735 2464 _al_) read a`gi,w|, thus imitating the familiar Pauline
expression fi,lhma a[gion ( Romans 16:16; 1 Corinthians 16:20; 2
Corinthians 13:12; 1 Thessalonians 5:... [ Continue Reading ]