1 Timothy 6:21 h` ca,rij meqV u`mw/n) {A}

The reading of the Textus Receptus, h` ca,rij meta. sou/, which is supported by D2 K L Y nearly all minuscules itf, o vg syrp, h copboms arm eth Theodoret al, seems to be a correction introduced as being more appropriate in a letter addressed to an individual than meqV u`mw/n. The latter reading, which occurs also in 2 Timothy 4:22 and Titus 3:15 (where a few witnesses have the singular number of the pronoun), is adequately supported by a* A Fgr G 33 81 1311 itg copbomss. Apparently through inadvertence, several versional and patristic witnesses lack the concluding benediction altogether (copsa Chrysostom Speculum Euthaliusmss). The liturgical avmh,n, which has been attached to the benediction in most witnesses, is not an original part of the letter, being absent from the earliest representatives of both the Alexandrian and Western types of text (a* A D* Fgr G 33 81 1311 1881 itd, g copbomss arm).

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Old Testament