2 PETER 1:1 Sumew,n {B}
The weight of external support for the two readings is almost equally
divided (Sumew,n a A K P 049 056 0142 1739 syrph, h arm _al_; Si,mwn
î72 B Y 81 614 ith, r vg syrpal copsa, bo eth _al_). The Committee
was agreed that transcriptionally it is more likely that Si,mwn is a... [ Continue Reading ]
2 PETER 1:2 tou/ qeou/ kai. VIhsou/ tou/ kuri,ou h`mw/n {A}
Amid the variety of readings here, the Committee chose what it
regarded as the earliest and the origin of the other readings. The
absence of tou/ qeou/ kai. VIhsou/ in P Y and other witnesses can be
accounted for by parablepsis, when the... [ Continue Reading ]
2 PETER 1:3 ivdi,a| do,xh| kai. avreth|/ {B}
Although the reading of the Textus Receptus dia. do,xhj kai. avreth/j
is an exceedingly ancient reading (î72 B, and K L most minuscules), a
majority of the Committee preferred ivdi,a| do,xh| kai. avreth|/ (a A
C P Y 33 81 614 1739 ith, r vg syrph, h, pal... [ Continue Reading ]
2 PETER 1:4 ti,mia kai. me,gista h`mi/n evpagge,lmata
The order of words varies greatly:
(_a_) ti,mia kai. me,gista evpagge,lmata h`mi/n
(_b_) ti,mia kai. me,gista h`mi/n evp)
B 1 206 255 429 489 614 1611 1898 2143.
(_c_) ti,mia h`mi/n kai. me,gista evp)
a K L 0142 many minuscules.... [ Continue Reading ]
2 PETER 1:5 auvto. tou/to de, {B}
By moving de, from following tou/to (î72 B C* P _al_) to precede
tou/to (a C2 Y 33 81 1739 _al_), the adverbial expression auvto.
tou/to is divided in two. This reading, obviously faulty, is probably
the origin of the reading in A (auvtoi. de,).... [ Continue Reading ]
2 PETER 1:10 spouda,sate bebai,an … poiei/sqai {A}
After spouda,sate several witnesses, including a A Y 81 630 and the
Latin, Syriac, and Coptic versions, replace the complementary
infinitive construction (which occurs regularly in the New Testament
after spouda,zein) with the i[na construction; by... [ Continue Reading ]
2 PETER 1:17 o` ui`o,j mou o` avgaphto,j mou ou-to,j evstin {B}
The original text appears to have been preserved only in î72 B (the
Coptic and Ethiopic are ambiguous), all the other witnesses having
conformed the reading to the traditional text in Matthew, ou-to,j
evsti/n o` ui`o,j mou o` avgaphto,... [ Continue Reading ]
2 PETER 1:20 pa/sa profhtei,a grafh/j
Instead of pa/sa profhtei,a grafh/j the copyists of several minuscules
(206 378 429 522 614 1108 1758 2138), recollecting the statement about
scripture in 2 Timothy 3:16, wrote pa/sa grafh. profhtei,aj. The
scribe of î72 introduced a different conflation, pa/s... [ Continue Reading ]
2 PETER 1:21 avpo. qeou/ {A}
The reading that best accounts for the origin of the others is avpo.
qeou/, which is read by î72 B P 614 1739 syrh copbo arm _al_. The
reading a[gioi qeou/ (a K Y 33 _Byz al_) appears to be secondary,
being either (_a_) an emendation that commended itself to copyists
b... [ Continue Reading ]