2 PETER 3:9 eivj u`ma/j {A}
Although the preposition dia, is widely supported (it is read by a A Y
33 630 vg syrph, h copsa, bomss eth Speculum _al_), the Committee
preferred eivj, which is supported by î72 B C K L P most minuscules
copbo arm, and regarded dia, as an exegetical correction. Instead... [ Continue Reading ]
2 PETER 3:10 eu`reqh,setai {D}
At the close of ver. 2 Peter 3:10 the extant witnesses present a wide
variety of readings, none of which seems to be original. The oldest
reading, and the one which best explains the origin of the others that
have been preserved, is eu`reqh,setai, which is attested by... [ Continue Reading ]
2 PETER 3:11 tou,twn ou[twj {B}
Although the reading tou,twn ou=n is supported by representatives of
both the Alexandrian and the Western types of text, the Committee was
inclined to prefer the reading tou,twn ou[twj because of the weight of
the combination of î72 B 614 1739 syrh _al,_ and because... [ Continue Reading ]
2 PETER 3:18 @avmh,n)# {C}
On the one hand, the external testimony supporting the presence of
avmh,n at the close of the doxology is almost overwhelming in scope
and weight, including î72 a A C 33 81 614 vg syrph, h copsa, bo arm
eth. On the other hand, if the word were present originally, it is
di... [ Continue Reading ]