Acts 10:16 euvqu.j avnelh,mfqh {B}

The readings with pa,lin before or after avnelh,mfqh reflect scribal assimilation to the parallel account in Acts 11:10. Of the other readings, a majority of the Committee preferred euvqu.j avnelh,mfqh, which is well supported by î74 a A B C Egr 81 88 1877 vg syrhmg al.

[Since the adverb euvqu,j occurs nowhere else in Acts (though euvqe,wj occurs nine times), and in view of the unexplained absence of any adverb in î45 307 453 610 1175 and a variety of versional and patristic witnesses, it is preferable to enclose euvqu,j within square brackets. B.M.M. and A.W.]

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Old Testament