Acts 10:21-23

The Western text differs in several minor details. In ver. Acts 10:21 instead of kataba.j de, D E syrp read to,te kataba,j, and before ti,j D syrh add the solemn but superfluous ti, qe,lete h; (by itacism D reads qe,letai). In ver. Acts 10:22 D syrp copsa add pro.j auvto,n after ei=pan, and after Kornh,lioj Dgr syrp add tij. In ver. Acts 10:23 instead of eivskalesa,menoj ou=n (the verb is hapax legomenon in the New Testament), D itp syrp read to,te eivsagagw.n o` Pe,troj.

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Old Testament