Acts 10:40 @evn# th|/ tri,th| h`me,ra| {C}

The reading meta. th.n tri,thn h`me,ran (D* itd, l, t) may be either an attempt to harmonize the expression with that of Matthew 27:63, etc., or, as Harris argues, may be an idiosyncrasy of codex Bezae (as also in Matthew 16:21; Matthew 17:23) that reflects the Latin post tertium diem, meaning “the third day after.” 205

In support of the reading evn th|/ tri,th| h`me,ra| (a* C al) Tischendorf observes that evn after h;geiren could have easily fallen out, and that scribes would have a tendency to substitute the much more customary expression th|/ tri,th| h`me,ra|. On the other hand, however, a majority of the Committee, judging that it was also possible that evn had been accidentally introduced through dittography, considered it preferable to enclose the word within square brackets, indicating thereby a certain doubt that it belongs in the text.

205 J. R. Harris, Codex Bezae, pp. 91 f.

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Old Testament