Acts 11:28 avnasta.j de.evsh,manen {A}

An important Western reading, preserved in D (itp) (copG67) Augustine, supplies the first “we”-passage 225 in any text of Acts: h=n de. pollh. avgalli,asij\ sunestramme,nwn de. h`mw/n e;fh ei-j evx auvtw/n ovno,mati {Agaboj shmai,nwn…(“And there was much rejoicing; and when we were gathered together one of them named Agabus spoke, signifying …”). On the verb sustre,fein, see the final comment on 10.41.

225 Harnack, however, argued that the original form of the Western addition was…sunestramme,nwn de. auvtw/n …, and that the auvtw/n was later “corrected” to h`mw/n in order to avoid confusion with the following auvtw/n (see his “Über den ursprünglichen Text Act. Apost. 11, 27:28, ” Sitzungsberichte der königlich preussischen Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Berlin, 1899, pp. 316—327, reprinted in his Studien zur Geschichte des Neuen Testaments und der alten Kirche; vol. I, Zur neutestamentlichen Textkritik [Berlin and Leipzig, 1931], pp. 33—47).

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Old Testament