ACTS 13:1 h=san de,
The later text (E H L P 33 _al_ syrh arm and Textus Receptus)
interpolates tinej after h=san de, in order to imply that the six
persons about to be mentioned were not the only prophets and teachers
in the church at Antioch. Codex Bezaegr and the Vulgate achieve the
same end by... [ Continue Reading ]
ACTS 13:3 proseuxa,menoi
The addition of pa,ntej after proseuxa,menoi in codex Bezae is a
typical Western expansion. The omission of avpe,lusan by the same
manuscript must be accounted a scribal blunder, for its absence ruins
the syntax. (Blass and Clark retain the word in their editions.) After
a... [ Continue Reading ]
ACTS 13:5
Instead of to.n lo,gon tou/ qeou/ codex Bezaegr itgig syrp read to.n
lo,gon tou/ kuri,ou. The latter reading reflects the Christianization
of the traditional expression. 248
Instead of u`phre,thn, D 614 itp syrhmg copsa read u`phretou/nta
auvtoi/j and E vg read eivj diakoni,an. According... [ Continue Reading ]
ACTS 13:6 dielqo,ntej
According to Haenchen, the Western reading, “And when they had gone
_around_ the whole island as far as Paphos …” (kai. perielqo,ntwn
(+ de, D, omit itd) auvtw/n, D itgig vg Lucifer), replaced the
commonly received text (dielqo,ntej) in order to explain why no other
places on... [ Continue Reading ]
ACTS 13:8 VElu,maj
Instead of VElu,maj codex Bezae reads (with a lacuna of one letter)
VEt@)#imaj. That it should be spelled VEtoima/j is shown by the Latin
side of the manuscript, which reads _Etoemas,_ as does also Lucifer;
the manuscripts of Ambrosiaster vary between _ethimas, etymas, tymas,
thi... [ Continue Reading ]
ACTS 13:11 paracrh/ma, te
External evidence is divided between paracrh/ma, te, read by î45 a C
81 623 1175 vg syrp copbo eth, and paracrh/ma de,, read by î74 A B E
H L P most minuscules syrh copsa arm, while codex Bezae goes its own
way with kai. euvqe,wj. The frequent use of te in Acts and Luke’s... [ Continue Reading ]
ACTS 13:12
Curiously, though codex Bezae is especially fond of to,te, 257 here it
substitutes de, for to,te.
In order to heighten and clarify the narrative D E itgig syrp Lucifer
Ephraem and Vigilius add evqau,masen kai, before evpi,steusen, and D
adds tw|/ qew|/ after it. (“The proconsul, when h... [ Continue Reading ]
ACTS 13:18 evtropofo,rhsen {C}
The evidence is singularly evenly balanced between evtropofo,rhsen
(“he bore with [them]”) and evtrofofo,rhsen (“he cared for
[them]”). 258 The author is doubtless alluding to Deuteronomy 1:31,
where the Septuagint text, in rendering af'n", presents the same two
varia... [ Continue Reading ]
ACTS 13:19 kai. kaqelw,n
The initial kai, is absent from B 81 copsa; it is present in î74 a A
C D E H L P and almost all minuscules. Despite Ropes’s argument for
taking (as Westcott and Hort did) the preceding w`j as “when,” the
Committee regarded it as less cumbersome syntax and more in the style... [ Continue Reading ]
ACTS 13:20 w`j e;tesin … meta. tau/ta {C}
The problems of verses Acts 13:19 and Acts 13:20 are both textual and
exegetical. The Textus Receptus (following Db E P Y and most
minuscules) speaks of the period of the judges following the division
of Canaan: “and after that he gave unto them judges abou... [ Continue Reading ]
ACTS 13:23 h;gagen {B}
Not only does h;gagen have strong and varied support, but in view of
the presence of h;geiren in ver. Acts 13:22, it is easy to understand
how copyists would have altered the less usual verb to the more
characteristic expression.... [ Continue Reading ]
ACTS 13:25 Ti, evme, {B}
The reading ti, evme, is supported by î74 a A B (81 ti, mai [= me])
915 copsa eth, whereas the reading ti,na me is supported by î45vid C
D E H L P Y most minuscules vg syrp, h copbo arm. Here the Alexandrian
text corresponds to Aramaic usage, 262 and the Western and the
By... [ Continue Reading ]
ACTS 13:26 h`mi/n {B}
The interchange of u` for h` (both were pronounced ¢¢), and vice
versa, was a common blunder among Greek scribes (for example, earlier
in the verse A D 81 read evn h`mi/n instead of the obviously correct
evn u`mi/n). In the present case the context as well as a combination
of... [ Continue Reading ]
ACTS 13:27 tou/ton avgnoh,santej kai. ta.j fwna.j … kri,nantej {A}
The text of verses Acts 13:27-29 circulated in a variety of forms, the
shortest being that of the Alexandrian witnesses. Several forms of the
Western text (or, several Western types of text) supply various
additions in order to prov... [ Continue Reading ]
ACTS 13:31 @nu/n#
The evidence for and against the inclusion of nu/n is curiously
ambiguous. On the one hand, its varying position (after eivsi, in a,
before it in A C 81), its expanded form (a;cri nu/n in D), and its
omission altogether by B and the ecclesiastical text, suggest that it
was added i... [ Continue Reading ]
ACTS 13:33 @auvtw/n# h`mi/n {C}
Although h`mw/n is by far the best attested reading, it gives a most
improbable sense (since the promise was made to the fathers, we expect
to read that it was fulfilled, not “to _our_ children” but “to
_their_ children”). 266 On the other hand, both auvtw/n and auv... [ Continue Reading ]
ACTS 13:34 o[ti (1)
Instead of o[ti (1), which resumes the quotation begun at the
beginning of ver. Acts 13:33 (o[ti), D 614 2412 itgig vgms Hilary
continue with a somewhat easier and more loosely articulated
construction introduced by o[te.
CopG67 expands ver. Acts 13:34 with the following materi... [ Continue Reading ]
ACTS 13:38 dia. tou,tou
The reading dia. tou,tou (“through this man,” a A B3 C D L P many
minuscules) is more appropriate in the context (compare evn tou,tw|,
ver. Acts 13:39) than dia. tou/to (“for this reason,” î74 B* 61
326 436 1175 1838 _al_). The latter reading may have arisen
accidentally whe... [ Continue Reading ]
ACTS 13:38-39
In order to smooth the construction by amplifying the sense the
Western text makes several insertions: “Through this man forgiveness
of sins is proclaimed to you, and _repentance_ (meta,noia, D vgms
(syrh with * and copG67 before katagge,letai)) from all those things
from which you c... [ Continue Reading ]
ACTS 13:40 evpe,lqh| {B}
The addition of evfV u`ma/j seems to be a natural supplement that
scribes felt to be necessary in the context. Had it been present
originally, there is no good reason that would account for its being
dropped.... [ Continue Reading ]
ACTS 13:41 e;rgon (2)
The second instance of e;rgon (î74 a A B C 33 81 1765 1827 vg copsa,
bo) was omitted (D E L P 104 216 326 429 915 1881 itgig, p syrp, h
_al_) either because it was felt to be redundant, or in order to
assimilate the text to the Septuagint text of Habakkuk 1:5.... [ Continue Reading ]
ACTS 13:42 auvtw/n {A}
The ambiguity of the earliest text (“as they [i.e. the apostles]
went out, they [i.e. the people] besought them …”) was relieved by
expansions serving to identify the several groups. Thus, in the Textus
Receptus (following P 049 056 and most minuscules) the subject of
evxio,... [ Continue Reading ]
ACTS 13:43 Barnaba|/ {A}
After Barnaba|/ 614 _al_ syrh with * insert avxiou/ntej baptisqh/nai
(“asking that they be baptized”), an addition which, as Haenchen
says, was made in order to give content to the exhortation that they
“continue in the grace of God.”... [ Continue Reading ]
ACTS 13:44 to.n lo,gon tou/ kuri,ou {C}
Luke, as well as other New Testament writers, uses the expression o`
lo,goj tou/ qeou/ more frequently than o` lo,goj tou/ kuri,ou. 278 In
view of the rather evenly balanced external attestation, a majority of
the Committee judged it more probable that the m... [ Continue Reading ]
ACTS 13:45 blasfhmou/ntej {B}
A majority of the Committee preferred the shorter text, regarding the
longer reading as a Western expansion. The reading evnantiou,menoi
kai, appears to be an attempt to avoid the tautology that
avntile,gontej makes with avnte,legon.... [ Continue Reading ]
ACTS 13:48 to.n lo,gon tou/ kuri,ou {C}
The accusative is the object of evdo,xazon. Now, the expression
doxa,zein to.n qeo,n occurs frequently, but doxa,zein to.n lo,gon tou/
qeou/ (or kuri,ou) is not found elsewhere. Probably for this reason
codex Bezae substitutes evde,xanto (“received”). Other s... [ Continue Reading ]
ACTS 13:50 diwgmo,n
Codex Bezae, partly supported by E, adds qli/yin mega,lhn kai, before
diwgmo,n (“… stirred up _great affliction and_ persecution against
Paul and Barnabas”); for a similar Western expansion, see 8.1.... [ Continue Reading ]