Acts 19:1 VEge,netoeivj :Efeson {A}

Omitting the clause VEge,neto de. evn tw|/ to.n VApollw/ ei=nai evn Kori,nqw|, the Western text (î38 D syrhmg, with partial support from itgig and Ephraem) substitutes the following: Qe,lontoj de. tou/ Pau,lou kata. th.n ivdi,an boulh.n poreu,esqai eivj ~Ieroso,luma ei=pen auvtw|/ to. pneu/ma u`postre,fein eivj th.n VAsi,an( dielqw.n de. ta. avnwte,rika me,rh e;rcetai eivj :Efeson (“And although Paul wished, according to his own plan, to go to Jerusalem, the Spirit told him to return to Asia. And having passed through the upper country he comes to Ephesus …”).

It is difficult to understand why so much is said about a purpose that was not accomplished. Weiss is correct in observing that “the whole antithesis between ivdi,a boulh, and an order of the Spirit is neither in the character of Paul nor of Luke, who brings expressly into prominence how Paul allows all his decisions to be made by the will of God made known to him through the Spirit.” 347 (See also the comment on 18.21.)

347 Der Codex D, p. 94, Anm. 1.

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