Acts 24:10 VApekri,qhle,gein

On the basis of a curious Western expansion in the margin of the Harclean Syriac, A. C. Clark reconstructed the following Greek text: avpekri,qh de. o` Pau/loj neu,santoj auvtw|/ tou/ h`gemo,noj avpologi,an e;cein u`pe.r e`autou/\ o` de. sch/ma e;nqeon avnalabw.n e;fh 373…(“And when the governor had motioned for him to make a defense for himself, Paul answered; and having assumed a godlike bearing, he said …”).

373 The Syriac reads . For a similar gloss in the margin of the Harclean Syriac, cf. Acts 26:1.

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Old Testament