ACTS 28:1 Meli,th {A}
The reading Melith,nh (B* _al_) probably arose through dittography of
some of the letters in Meli,th h` nh/soj in _scriptio continua_. The
reading Mutilh,nh, presupposed by several Latin witnesses, is a
translational or transcriptional error, occasioned perhaps by the
recolle... [ Continue Reading ]
ACTS 28:13 perielo,ntej {C}
Although it is possible that the reading perielo,ntej is simply a
scribal mistake (q having fallen out before o), a majority of the
Committee preferred to follow a* B Y copsa, (bo), taking the word to
be a technical nautical term of uncertain meaning (it may be a shorter... [ Continue Reading ]
ACTS 28:16 evpetra,ph tw|/ Pau,lw| {A}
The Western text expands evpetra,ph tw|/ Pau,lw| into o`
e`kato,ntarcoj pare,dwke tou.j desmi,ouj tw|/ stratopeda,rcw|( tw|/
de. Pau,lw| evpetra,ph (“the centurion delivered the prisoners to
the stratopedarch [captain of the guard]; but Paul was allowed
…”).... [ Continue Reading ]
ACTS 28:18 oi[tinej
After oi[tinej the Western text (614 2147 Syrh with *) adds polla,
(“when they had examined me _concerning many things_ [or, after a
_long_ examination]”).... [ Continue Reading ]
ACTS 28:19 tw/n VIoudai,wn
Once again the Western text (represented by 614 syrh with * and other
witnesses) expands the text, adding after tw/n VIoudai,wn the words
kai. evpikrazo,ntwn( Ai=re to.n evcqro.n h`mw/n (“and crying out,
‘Away with our enemy!’”). At the close of the verse the same
author... [ Continue Reading ]
ACTS 28:25 u`mw/n {B}
External attestation (î74 a A B Y 33 81 1739 itp, s copsa, bo geo
_al_) as well as internal considerations (the tone and contents of the
speech, conveying censure and rejection) led the Committee to prefer
the second person pronoun.... [ Continue Reading ]
ACTS 28:29 _omit verse_ {A}
The Western expansion (represented by 383 614 itgig, p vgmss syrh with
*) was adopted by the Byzantine text and lies behind the AV rendering,
“And when he had said these words, the Jews departed, and had great
reasoning among themselves.” The addition was probably made... [ Continue Reading ]
ACTS 28:31 avkwlu,twj) {A}
The artistic literary cadence of the concluding phrase of the book of
Acts and the powerful note of triumph expressed by avkwlu,twj are
greatly weakened by the pious Western addition after avkwlu,twj, found
with variations 379 in itp vgmss syrhtxt Ephraem (as reconstruct... [ Continue Reading ]