Acts 3:20 to.nCristo.n VIhsou/n

On the basis of the combination of Alexandrian and Western witnesses (a B D E syrh copsa), the Committee preferred the sequence Cristo.n VIhsou/n. The alternative sequence, VIhsou/n Cristo,n (î74 A C Y most minuscules vg syrp copbo eth, followed by the Textus Receptus), seems to have arisen as an adaptation to the somewhat more usual appellation (in the New Testament VIhsou/j Cristo,j occurs 152 times, and Cristo.j VIhsou/j 107 times). In any case, the copyists who introduced the sequence VIhsou/n Cristo,n failed to perceive that here to.nCristo,n means “the Messiah.”

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Old Testament