Acts 4:24 avkou,santej

After avkou,santej D and copG67 add kai. evpigno,ntej th.n tou/ qeou/ evne,rgeian (“And when they heard it, and recognized the working of God …”), a clause which Harris was at first inclined to explain as a Montanist gloss, 119 but which he subsequently described as “either a part of the primitive Greek text of the Acts or an extremely early Greek expansion, with a strong balance of probability in favour of the former.” 120 The use of evne,rgeia here, as Blass had earlier observed, is in accord with the account of the interposition of divine providence in 3 Macc 4.21, with which Harris compares a similar usage in 3 Macc 5.12, 28 and 2 Macc 3.29. Against Harris’s strong preference for regarding the clause as original is the fact Luke nowhere else uses evne,rgeia (in the New Testament the word appears only in Paul).

119 J. Rendel Harris, Codex Bezae, p. 152.

120 “Two Important Glosses in the Codex Bezae,” Expositor, Sixth Series, II (1900), p. 399.

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