Acts 4:32 mi,a

After mi,a several Western witnesses (D E Cyprian Zeno Ambrose) add kai. ouvk h=n dia,krisij (cwrismo,j E) evn auvtoi/j ouvdemi,a (tij E) (“and there was no quarrel among them at all” [“and there was not any division among them,” E]). According to A. C. Clark, the shorter text was formed by the accidental omission of a stichos, facilitated by the presence of mi,a at the end of successive stichoi. 127 On the other hand, since such an explanation fails to account for the reading of E, it is more likely that the Western reading is an expansion of the original text, made in the interest of emphasizing the unity of the primitive church.

127 The Acts of the Apostles, p. xxiv.

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Old Testament