ACTS 8:1
Once again Western witnesses expand the text with additions that
underline the obvious. If “a great persecution arose against the
church in Jerusalem,” one would expect, without being told, that it
would also involve “affliction” (after diwgmo.j me,gaj D adds kai.
qli/yij, ith and copsa in... [ Continue Reading ]
ACTS 8:4 to.n lo,gon
After to.n lo,gon several Western witnesses (E itp2 syrp Augustine)
add tou/ qeou/; other Western witnesses (itpl vgmss) add _circa
ciuitates et castella iudee,_ which A. C. Clark introduces into his
edition of Acts in the form kata. ta.j po,leij kai. kw,maj th/j
VIoudai,aj.... [ Continue Reading ]
ACTS 8:5 @th,n# {C}
It is difficult to decide the textual problem involving the presence
or absence of the article. Since in the New Testament Samaria denotes
the district, not the city of that name, the phrase eivj th.n po,lin
th/j Samarei,aj means “to the [main] city of Samaria.” But which
city... [ Continue Reading ]
ACTS 8:6 prosei/con de. oi` o;cloi
Here the jejune superfluity of the expansions of the Western text was
too much even for Blass, 171 who refused to adopt the addition of D,
w`j de. h;kouon pa/n (itd pa,ntej), oi` o;cloi prosei/con…(“And
_when they heard everything,_ the multitudes gave heed …”),... [ Continue Reading ]
ACTS 8:7
The grammar of the reading that is attested by the earlier and better
witnesses (polloi. ga.r tw/n evco,ntwn pneu,mata avka,qarta bow/nta
fwnh|/ mega,lh| evxh,rconto( î74 a A B C _al_) is strained, for the
author begins with polloi, as the subject and pneu,mata avka,qarta as
object of tw/n... [ Continue Reading ]
ACTS 8:9 me,gan
Struck by the syntax of the expression le,gwn ei=nai, tina e`auto.n
me,gan, several scholars have proposed emendations. Valckenaer, van de
Sande Bakhuyzen, and Blass 177 regard me,gan as an interpolation.
Bowyer, Mangey, van Manen, and (tentatively) Lake and Cadbury prefer
to read... [ Continue Reading ]
ACTS 8:10 kaloume,nh {A}
The awkward kaloume,nh is omitted by the later Byzantine text; it is
replaced by legome,nh in several minuscules. Klostermann thought that
Mega,lh was a transliteration of the Samaritan algm or ylgm, meaning
“he who reveals, the revealer,” 179 in which case kaloume,nh
apolo... [ Continue Reading ]
ACTS 8:18 pneu/ma {B}
A majority of the Committee was of the opinion that the shorter
reading, although supported by only a B copsa Apostolic Constitutions,
was to be preferred to the reading of the overwhelming mass of
witnesses, for after to. pneu/ma the addition of to. a[gion was as
natural for... [ Continue Reading ]
ACTS 8:19 le,gwn
In order to strengthen Simon’s request the Western text (D itgig, p)
inserts parakalw/n kai, before le,gwn (compare ver. Acts 8:24 where
parakalw/ occurs in D itgig syrhmg); the combination of verbs is not
infrequent, e.g. Matthew 8:5, Matthew 8:31; Matthew 18:29... [ Continue Reading ]
ACTS 8:24 evpV evme. w-n eivrh,kate {A}
The Bezan text differs from that of other witnesses in several
striking particulars: “And Simon answered and said _to them,_ ‘_I
beseech you,_ pray for me _to God,_ that none _of these evils_ of
which you have spoken _to me_ may come upon me’ — _who did not
s... [ Continue Reading ]
ACTS 8:33 tapeinw,sei @auvtou/#
The pronoun auvtou/, present in most witnesses, is absent from î74 a
A B 103 629 1642* 1739c vg _al_. Although such testimony in support of
the shorter text generally carries conviction of originality, in this
case, since the Septuagint text of Isaiah 53:8 lacks auvt... [ Continue Reading ]
ACTS 8:35
CopG67 reads, “Then Philip _took his_ beginning from the scripture,
_and now he was in the spirit_; he began _to explain to him_ from the
scripture, (and) preached _the Lord_ Jesus _Christ_ to him.”... [ Continue Reading ]
ACTS 8:37 _omit verse_ {A}
Ver. Acts 8:37 is a Western addition, not found in î45, 74 a A B C 33
81 614 vg syrp, h copsa, bo eth, but is read, with many minor
variations, by E, many minuscules, itgig, h vgmss syrh with * copG67
arm. There is no reason why scribes should have omitted the material,... [ Continue Reading ]
ACTS 8:39 pneu/ma {A}
Instead of pneu/ma kuri,ou several witnesses, including A (correction
by the first hand) 36a 94 103 307 322 323 385 467 1739 1765 2298 itp
vgmss syrh with * arm Ephraem Jerome Augustine (D is defective here),
read pneu/ma a[gion evpe,pesen evpi. to.n euvnou/con( a;ggeloj de,
... [ Continue Reading ]