Ephesians 3:19 plhrwqh/te eivj pa/n to. plh,rwma tou/ qeou/ {A}

Instead of plhrwqh/te eivj pa/n to. plh,rwma tou/ qeou/, which is amply attested by good representatives of both the Alexandrian and the Western types of text (a A C D G it vg syrp, h, pal copbo goth), several witnesses (î46 B 462 copsa) omit &te eivj, reading plhrwqh|/ pa/n to. plh,rwma tou/ qeou/ (“[that] all the fullness of God may be filled up”). Several other readings are found in individual manuscripts (81 reads plhroforhqh/te, 1881 substitutes Cristou/ for qeou/, and 33, otherwise following B, adds eivj u`ma/j).

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Old Testament