Ephesians 3:9 fwti,sai @pa,ntaj# {C}

Several important witnesses read only fwti,sai (a* A 424c 1739 1881 Origen Ambrosiaster½ Hilary Jerome al). It is difficult to decide whether pa,ntaj was omitted, either accidentally or intentionally (as not congruent with toi/j e;qnesin, ver. Ephesians 3:8), or was inserted because the verb fwti,sai seems to require an expressed accusative (which it usually has elsewhere in the New Testament). Since, however, there are no other variant readings (such as auvtou,j et sim.) as would be expected if pa,ntaj were not original, a majority of the Committee preferred to retain the word on the authority of î46 ac B C D G K P Y 33 81 614 Byz Lect it vg syrp, h copsa, bo goth arm al, but to enclose it within square brackets, indicating doubt that it has a right to stand in the text.

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Old Testament