EPHESIANS 4:6 pa/sin {A}
The Textus Receptus, following a few minuscules and patristic
witnesses (489 Chrysostom Theodoret _al_), adds u`mi/n; other
witnesses (D F G K L Y 181 326 917 920 itd, g vg syrp, h goth arm
_al_) add h`mi/n. Both readings are explanatory glosses, introduced in
order to est... [ Continue Reading ]
EPHESIANS 4:8 e;dwken {B}
On the whole it appears that the reading without kai, is to be
preferred, not only because it is supported by such diversified
witnesses as î46 a* A D* G 33 88 it vg copsa, bo Marcion Justin _al,_
but also because many a copyist would have been tempted to insert a
connect... [ Continue Reading ]
EPHESIANS 4:9 kate,bh {A}
The addition of prw/ton after kate,bh (ac B Cc K P Y 88 614 _Byz Lect
al_) appears to be a natural expansion introduced by copyists to
elucidate the meaning. The shorter text is strongly supported by î46
a* A C* D G 1739 _al_.... [ Continue Reading ]
EPHESIANS 4:17 e;qnh
The Textus Receptus adds loipa, before e;qnh, with the correctors of
two uncial manuscripts as well as the later uncials and most
minuscules (ac Db, c K L P Y arm _al_). The word is obviously an
interpretative intrusion; the shorter text is decisively supported by
î46 a* A B D... [ Continue Reading ]
EPHESIANS 4:19 avphlghko,tej {A}
Instead of avphlghko,tej (from avpalge,w, “become callous, without
feeling”), a word appropriate to the figure suggested by pw,rwsij of
ver. Ephesians 4:18, several Western witnesses read avphlpiko,tej or
avfhlpiko,tej (from avpelpi,zw, “despair of oneself”). The
C... [ Continue Reading ]
EPHESIANS 4:28 tai/j @ivdi,aij# cersi.n to. avgaqo,n {C}
The differences of reading are numerous in this brief clause. As
concerns the sequence of words, copyists would have been more likely
to move to. avgaqo,n next to the participle than to separate them;
furthermore, the stronger external eviden... [ Continue Reading ]
EPHESIANS 4:29 crei,aj {A}
Because crei,aj may have seemed ill-suited in the context, several
witnesses (chiefly those that present a Western type of text) have
substituted pi,stewj, which is much easier to construe with
oivkodomh,n.... [ Continue Reading ]
EPHESIANS 4:32 u`mi/n {B}
In the light of the earlier part of the sentence the reading u`mi/n,
which is adequately supported by î46 a A G P 81 614 most of the Old
Latin copsa, bo goth eth _al_, seems to be required by the sense. The
origin of the reading h`mi/n (î49vid B Dgr K Y 33 1739 syrp, h ar... [ Continue Reading ]