EPHESIANS 5:2 h`ma/j {B}
The external evidence supporting the two readings is rather evenly
balanced (h`ma/j î46 ac D G K Y 33 614 1739 itpt vg syrp, h goth arm
_al_; u`ma/j a* A B P 81 itpt copsa, bo eth _al_), with a slight
preponderance of weight favoring h`ma/j. Since the following set of
varia... [ Continue Reading ]
Instead of the conventional formula o[ evstin (“that is to say”),
which koine Greek can employ “without reference to the gender of the
word explained or to that of the word which explains”
(Blass-Debrunner-Funk, § 132 (2), the alteration of o[ to o[j (A D K
L P most minuscules, fo... [ Continue Reading ]
EPHESIANS 5:9 fwto,j {A}
Instead of fwto,j the Textus Receptus reads pneu,matoj, with î46 Dc K
Y 88 104 614 1739mg _al_. Although it can be argued that fwto,j has
come in from the influence of the same word in the preceding line, it
is much more likely that recollection of Paul’s reference in
Galat... [ Continue Reading ]
EPHESIANS 5:14 evpifau,sei soi o` Cristo,j {A}
Instead of “Christ will shine upon you,” strongly supported by a
wide range of witnesses, several Western witnesses substitute either
“Christ will touch you” or “You will touch Christ.” Apparently
the readings arose from the legend that the cross on w... [ Continue Reading ]
EPHESIANS 5:15 ou=n avkribw/j pw/j {B}
The Committee preferred the sequence avkribw/j pw/j on the basis of
the strength of the external evidence (î46 a* B 33 81 1739 copsa
Origen _al_) as well as transcriptional probability (pw/j may have
been accidentally omitted after &bw/j, and subsequently ins... [ Continue Reading ]
EPHESIANS 5:19 wv|dai/j pneumatikai/j {B}
In the opinion of a majority of the Committee, it is more likely that
pneumatikai/j was accidentally omitted from several witnesses (î46 B
itd Ambrosiaster) because of homoeoteleuton, than added in almost all
witnesses by assimilation to Colossians 3:16, w... [ Continue Reading ]
EPHESIANS 5:22 gunai/kej toi/j ivdi,oij avndra,sin w`j {B}
On the one hand, several early witnesses (î46 B Clement½ Origen
Greek mssacc. to Jerome Jerome Theodore) begin the new sentence
without a main verb, thus requiring that the force of the preceding
u`potasso,menoi be carried over. On the othe... [ Continue Reading ]
EPHESIANS 5:30 auvtou/ {A}
Although it is possible that the shorter text, which is supported by
early and good witnesses (including î46 a* A B 33 81 1739* copsa,
bo), may have arisen by accidental omission occasioned by
homoeoteleuton (auvtou/ … auvtou/), it is more probable that the
longer reading... [ Continue Reading ]