Hebrews 10:34 desmi,oij {B}

The reading that best explains the origin of the others is desmi,oij, which is supported by good representatives of both the Alexandrian and the Western types of text, as well as by several Eastern witnesses (A Dgr* 33 (81) 1739 itar, b vg syrp, h, pal copsa, bo arm Ephraem al). Through transcriptional oversight the first iota was omitted, resulting in the reading desmoi/j (î46 Y 104 Origen). Then, in order to improve the sense, copyists added a personal pronoun, either auvtw/n itd, (r), z), referring to those mentioned in ver. Hebrews 10:33, or mou (a Dc K P 88 614 Byz Lect al), in imitation of the statements in Philippians 1:7, Philippians 1:13, Philippians 1:14, Philippians 1:17; Colossians 4:18. The reading adopted for the text is confirmed by Hebrews 13:3.

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Old Testament