Hebrews 9:10 baptismoi/j( dikaiw,mata {A}

The reading that best explains the origin of the other readings is baptismoi/j( dikaiw,mata, which is supported by early and good witnesses (including î46 a* A I P 33 81 1739 syrp copsa, bo, fay vid Origen). It is more probable that, in view of the preceding datives, dikaiw,mata was changed into dikaiw,masin, and joined to them by means of kai,, than that kai. dikaiw,masin, if it were original, was altered, on account of the concluding word evpikei,mena, into dikaiw,mata. The singular number dikai,wma (D* itd) is a mere scribal oversight, and the reading baptismoi/j kai. dikaiw,mata (ac B 451 2492), which has the appearance of being a conflation, provides no satisfactory sense.

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Old Testament