John 21:25 bibli,a)

Many later manuscripts, followed by the Textus Receptus, conclude the Gospel with avmh,n. See also the comment on Mt 28.20.

After ver. John 21:25 several Greek minuscules (1 565 1076 1570 1582) and many Armenian manuscripts 26 add the pericope of the adulteress ( John 7:53).

26 See footnote 8[1] on p. 188.

8 According to a note in Zohrab’s edition of the Armenian version, “Only five of the thirty manuscripts we used preserve here the addition [i.e. the pericope of the adulteress] found in Latin manuscripts. The remainder usually agree with our exemplar in placing it as a separate section at the end of the Gospel, as we have done. But in six of the older manuscripts the passage is completely omitted in both places” (translated by Erroll F. Rhodes, who comments as follows in a note to the present writer: “When the pericope is found in manuscripts after John 7:52, it is frequently accompanied with an asterisk or other symbol”).

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Old Testament