JOHN 4:1 VIhsou/j {C}
As between VIhsou/j and ku,rioj the Committee preferred the former.
Had ku,rioj been present in the original text, it is unlikely that a
scribe would have displaced it with VIhsou/j, which occurs twice in
the following clauses. On the other hand, in accord with the
increasing... [ Continue Reading ]
JOHN 4:3 pa,lin {A}
The omission of pa,lin from A B* G L P Y 28 249 579 700 1194 1424 syrh
_al,_ if not accidental, may have been occasioned by a desire to
clarify the evangelist’s meaning — for (_a_) Jesus does not
actually arrive in Galilee until two days later (ver. John 4:43),
after an interlud... [ Continue Reading ]
JOHN 4:5 Suca,r {A}
Despite the problems of identifying Sychar, the Committee was
unwilling to accept Suce,m (= Shechem) on the basis of only syrc, s
and several patristic witnesses. The reading Sica,r in 69 is a late
Greek orthographic variant of the prevailing Suca,r.... [ Continue Reading ]
JOHN 4:9 ouv ga.r sugcrw/ntai VIoudai/oi Samari,taij {A}
This explanatory comment is omitted in several witnesses (î* D ita
,b, d, e, j copfay). Although some have thought (Blass-Debrunner-Funk,
§ 193, 5) that the words are an early marginal gloss that eventually
got into the text of most witnesse... [ Continue Reading ]
JOHN 4:11 auvtw|/ @h` gunh,# {C}
It is difficult to decide whether h` gunh, is a natural addition
introduced by copyists in order to clarify the subject of le,gei (as
evkei,nh was added in a*), or whether the absence of the words in two
Alexandrian witnesses (î75 B), joined by two versional witnes... [ Continue Reading ]
JOHN 4:35-36 qerismo,n) h;dh o` {B}
The word h;dh may be taken either as concluding ver. John 4:35 or as
beginning ver. John 4:36. In order to prevent it from being taken with
what follows, the scribes of A C3 Q ¦1 ¦13 _al_ inserted kai, at the
beginning of ver. John 4:36. Since it is more in accor... [ Continue Reading ]
JOHN 4:51 pai/j auvtou/ {B}
There are two sets of variation: pai/j // ui`o,j and auvtou/ // sou.
In the former case it must be observed that, though Matthew and Luke
use pai/j freely, this word appears nowhere else in John, who prefers
ui`o,j. Apparently the reading ui`o,j is due to scribal assimil... [ Continue Reading ]