Luke 17:23 ivdou. evkei/( @h;(# ivdou. w-de {C}

The great variety of readings has arisen partly from the circumstance that in later Greek ei( h, and i came to be pronounced alike, thus facilitating alteration of the text, and partly from confusion arising from inattention on the part of copyists. Furthermore, recollection of the Markan sequence (w-deevkei/, Mark 13:21) may also have exerted an influence on copyists. The Committee preferred the reading attested by î75 and B as the earliest reading preserved in the extant witnesses, but in view of the absence of h; from such varied witnesses as Dgr K W X P 28 33 700 892 itb, ff2, i, r1, s, vg syrc, s, p, h with *, it was thought appropriate to enclose the word within square brackets.

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Old Testament