Luke 19:38 o` evrco,menoj o` basileu,j {C}

The transmission of the Lukan form of salutation is complex. The majority of witnesses (ac A K L D Y ¦1 ¦13 al) read o` evrco,menoj basileu,j (“Blessed be he who comes as king in the name of the Lord”). Others (W 1216 al) omit o` basileu,j, thus bringing the quotation into harmony with its Old Testament original ( Psalms 118:26) as well as with the Synoptic parallels ( Matthew 21:9; Mark 11:10). The omission of o` evrco,menoj (a* Origen al) is probably to be accounted for as a transcriptional oversight, occasioned by homoeoteleuton (&menoj&menoj). The Western text (D ita, c, d, ff2, i, r1, s), perhaps under the influence of Mark 11:10 and John 12:13, repeats euvloghme,noj and transposes o` basileu,j so as to read quite smoothly euvloghme,noj o` evrco,menoj evn ovno,mati kuri,ou( euvloghme,noj o` basileu,j. The reading o` evrco,menoj o` basileu,j (B arm(mss)), being the most difficult, accounts best for the origin of the others.

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Old Testament