LUKE 23:2 h`mw/n
According to Epiphanius (_c. Marc._ 316) after diastre,fonta to.
e;qnoj h`mw/n Marcion added kai. katalu,onta to.n no,mon kai. tou.j
profh,taj (“and abolishing the law and the prophets,” compare
Matthew 5:17), an interpolation that has survived in seven Old Latin
manuscripts (itb,... [ Continue Reading ]
LUKE 23:5 w-de
According to Epiphanius (_c. Marc._ 316) after w-de Marcion added kai.
avpostre,fonta ta.j gunai/kaj kai. ta. te,kna, a reading that is
preserved in expanded form in two Old Latin manuscripts: codex
Colbertinus (itc) reads _et filios nostros et uxores avertit a nobis,
non enim bapti... [ Continue Reading ]
LUKE 23:11 @kai.# o` ~Hrw,|dhj {C}
On the basis of the age of î75 and the difficulty of understanding
the force of kai, in the context, the reading kai. o` ~Hrw,|dhj
appears to be preferred. At the same time, because of the combination
of B Dgr Q and most of the Old Latin in support of the reading... [ Continue Reading ]
LUKE 23:15 avne,pemyen ga.r auvto.n pro.j h`ma/j {A}
In the transmission of this clause copyists became hopelessly
confused, producing statements either utterly banal, as avne,pemya
ga.r u`ma/j pro.j auvto,n (A D W X D Y ¦1, followed by the Textus
Receptus), or totally nonsensical, as avne,pemya g... [ Continue Reading ]
LUKE 23:17 _omit verse_ {A}
The secondary character of the verse is disclosed not only by its
omission from such early witnesses as î75 A B L T 070 892* 1241 ita
copsa _al,_ but also by its insertion, in slightly different forms,
either here or after ver. Luke 23:19 (where codex Bezae agrees in
wor... [ Continue Reading ]
LUKE 23:23 auvtw/n {B}
The Committee judged that the omission of the words kai. tw/n
avrciere,wn by homoeoteleuton was less likely than their addition by
copyists who wished to specify more particularly the identity of those
who called for the crucifixion of Jesus.... [ Continue Reading ]
LUKE 23:32 su.n auvtw|/
Codex Rehdigeranus (itl) gives the names of the two robbers as
_Ioathas et Maggatras_ (“Joathas and Maggatras”). The fragmentary
codex Usserianus (itr1) reads…_et Capnatas_ (“… and
Capnatas”). (See also the comments on Mt 27.38 and Mk 15.27.)... [ Continue Reading ]
LUKE 23:34 _omit verse_ 34A @@o` de. VIhsou/j e;legen( Pa,ter( a;fej
auvtoi/j( ouv ga.r oi;dasin ti, poiou/sin)## {A}
The absence of these words from such early and diverse witnesses as
î75 B D* W Q ita, d syrs copsa, bomss _al_ is most impressive and can
scarcely be explained as a deliberate excis... [ Continue Reading ]
LUKE 23:38 evpV auvtw|/ {A}
The mention here of the three languages in which the inscription on
the cross was written is almost certainly a gloss, probably taken from
the text of John 19:20. Every consideration weighs against it: (_a_)
it is absent from several of the earliest and best witnesses (î... [ Continue Reading ]
LUKE 23:42 eivj th.n basilei,an {B}
Although the reading of î75 B L _al_ has, from one point of view, the
appearance of being a scribal correction (eivj being considered more
appropriate than evn with e;lqh|j), a majority of the Committee
preferred it as more consonant with Lukan theology (compare... [ Continue Reading ]
LUKE 23:43 auvtw|/
Pious fancy was especially active concerning the story of the penitent
robber. In order to make certain that the reader may know to which of
the two robbers the words of Jesus were addressed, codex Bezae inserts
after auvtw|/ the words tw|/ eplhsonti [which is to be corrected to... [ Continue Reading ]
LUKE 23:45 tou/ h`li,ou evklipo,ntoj {B}
The words kai. evskoti,sqh o` h[lioj (“the sun was darkened”)
appear to be the easier reading, substituted by copyists for tou/
h`li,ou evklipo,ntoj [or evklei,pontoj], which may mean either “the
sun’s light failed” or “the sun was eclipsed.”... [ Continue Reading ]
LUKE 23:48 u`pe,strefon
In order to heighten the account, several witnesses include various
interpolations. After ta. sth,qh codex Bezae adds kai. ta. me,twpa
(“beating their breasts _and their foreheads_”). The Old Syriac
(syrc, s) reads, “All they who _happened to be there and_ saw that
which cam... [ Continue Reading ]
LUKE 23:53 kei,menoj
Several witnesses (including U 13 69 124 348 1043 1194 1355 1689) add
from the parallels in Matthew 27:60 and Mark 15:46 the statement kai.
proseku,lisen li,qon me,gan evpi. th.n qu,ran tou/ mnhmei,ou.
Furthermore, codex Bezae expands the text with a characteristic
interpolatio... [ Continue Reading ]