LUKE 5:17 oi] h=san evlhluqo,tej {B}
The difficulty of the reading supported by the overwhelming mass of
witnesses (according to which the enemies of Jesus had come from every
village of Galilee, Judea, and Jerusalem) prompted some copyists to
omit oi[ altogether (a* 33) and others to replace it w... [ Continue Reading ]
LUKE 5:38 blhte,on {B}
The gerundive (the only verbal adjective in &te,oj that occurs in the
New Testament) was replaced in a few witnesses by ba,llousin of the
Matthean parallel ( Matthew 9:17), from which also was derived the
widespread interpolation kai. avmfo,teroi sunthrou/ntai (or
throu/ntai... [ Continue Reading ]
LUKE 5:39 _include verse_ {A}
The external attestation for the inclusion of the verse is almost
overwhelming; its omission from several Western witnesses may be due
to the influence of Marcion, who rejected the statement because it
seemed to give authority to the Old Testament.... [ Continue Reading ]