Luke 9:2 iva/sqai @tou.j avsqenei/j# {C}

Impressed by the concurrence of B and syrc, s in supporting the shorter text, the Committee was somewhat inclined to regard the other forms of text as scribal expansions introduced in order to relieve the abruptness of the simple verb. At the same time, however, the evidence of the Old Syriac is weakened by its reading “the infirm” as the object of “heal” at the close of ver. Luke 9:1. Likewise, in Luke iva,omai, except when passive, always has a direct object. Faced with these conflicting data, the Committee decided that the least unsatisfactory solution was to include the words tou.j avsqenei/j (supported by a A D L X Y ¦1 al) in the text, but to enclose them within square brackets indicating doubt that they have a right to stand there.

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Old Testament