Luke 9:62 ei=pen de. @pro.j auvto.n# o` VIhsou/j {C}

It is difficult to decide which reading best explains the rise of the others. The phrase pro.j auvto,n is lacking in î45, 75 B 0181 700 copsamss; it is placed after o` VIhsou/j in A C W Q Y ¦13 al; D reads o` de. VIhsou/j ei=pen auvtw|/; and D omits o` VIhsou/j. The Committee judged that the least unsatisfactory interpretation of the data was to adopt the reading supported by a L X ¦1 33 157 1241, but out of deference to the evidence of B and î45, 75 to enclose pro.j auvto,n within square brackets.

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Old Testament