Mark 4:8 kai. auvxano,mena {C}

The reading that best explains the origin of the others is auvxano,mena (a B 1071 al), which is nominative neuter plural agreeing with the subject a;lla (“Other [seeds] fell into the good ground, and while growing up and increasing they yielded fruit; and brought forth …”). Under the influence of avnabai,nonta, which can be (wrongly) construed with karpo,n, there was a strong tendency to alter auvxano,mena to auvxano,menon or auvxa,nonta. Another factor that contributed to altering the participle was the assimilation of a;lla to a;llo in verses Mark 4:5 and Mark 4:7 (the singular number is read by ac A D D P S F ¦1 ¦13 22 157 543 565 700 1071 al).

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Old Testament