Mark 6:20 hvpo,rei( kai, {C}

On the one hand, the reading evpoi,ei, which has been thought to reflect a Semitic original, 12 is supported by a broad spectrum of Greek and versional witnesses. On the other hand, the reading hvpo,rei, though sometimes suspected of having arisen by scribal assimilation to the Lukan statement concerning Herod’s being “much perplexed” (dihpo,rei, Luke 9:7) on another occasion, was preferred by a majority of the Committee on the grounds of (a) strong external support (a B L (W) Q copsa, bo); (b) the usage, in this case, of polla, as an adverb, in keeping with Markan style; and (c) the intrinsic superiority of meaning in contrast to the banality of the clause when evpoi,ei is read.

12 Cf. C. C. Torrey, Our Translated Gospels (New York, 1936), p. 155; Blass-Debrunner-Funk, § 414 (5).

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