Mark 6:22 qugatro.j auvtou/ ~Hrw|dia,doj {C}

It is very difficult to decide which reading is the least unsatisfactory. According to the reading with auvtou/ the girl is named Herodias and is described as Herod’s daughter. But in ver. Mark 6:24 she is Herodias’s daughter, who, according to other sources, was named Salome, a grand-niece of Herod. The reading with auvth/j th/j must mean something like “the daughter of Herodias herself,” unless auvth/j be taken as the redundant pronoun anticipating a noun (an Aramaism). The reading with th/j, read by ¦1 and (presumably) Greek witnesses lying behind several early versions, is the easiest and seems to have arisen from an accidental omission of auvth/j.

A majority of the Committee decided, somewhat reluctantly, that the reading with auvtou/, despite the historical and contextual difficulties, must be adopted on the strength of its external attestation.

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Old Testament