Matthew 1:11 evge,nnhsen {A}

In order to bring the text of Matthew into harmony with the genealogy in 1 Chronicles 3:15-16, several of the later uncial manuscripts (M U Q S), as well as a variety of other witnesses (including ¦1 33 209 258 478 661 954 1354 1604 syrh with *, pal geo), have added to.n VIwaki,m( VIwaki.m de. evge,nnhsen. Although it is possible to argue that the clause had accidentally fallen out during transcription, the external evidence in its favor is not as weighty as that which supports the shorter text (a B C E K L J V W G D P most minuscules it vg syrc, s, p copsa, bo arm eth). It should be noted also that when the clause is present there are fifteen generations in the second tesseradecade (compare ver. Matthew 1:17).

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Old Testament