Matthew 10:23 e`te,ran {C}

Although it is possible that the additional clause (perhaps in the form preserved in D, a;llhn eva.n de. evn th|/ avllh|/ diw,kousin u`ma/j( feu,gete eivj th.n a;llhn, “… and if in the other they persecute you, flee to the next”) may have dropped out accidentally because of homoeoteleuton(a;llhna;llhn), the Committee preferred to regard the words as a natural continuation, inserted in order to explain the following statement, ouv mh. tele,shte ta.j po,leij tou/ VIsrah.l e[wj @a'n# e;lqh| o` ui`o.j tou/ avnqrw,pou (which was taken to mean, “You will not exhaust the cities of Israel [as cities of refuge], before the Son of Man comes”). In deciding between the two short readings e`te,ran and a;llhn, the Committee preferred the former because of the general excellence of the Alexandrian text.

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Old Testament