Matthew 19:17 ti, me evrwta|/j peri. tou/ avgaqou/* ei-j evstin o` avgaqo,j {A}

Many of the witnesses (but not Q 700 al) that interpolate avgaqe, in ver. Matthew 19:16 also modify ver. Matthew 19:17 by substituting for Matthew’s distinctive account the words from the parallel accounts, ti, me le,geij avgaqo,n* ouvdei.j avgaqo.j eiv mh. ei-j o` qeo,j (“Why do you call me good? No one is good but God alone,” Mark 10:18; Luke 18:19). If the latter reading were original in Matthew, it is hard to imagine why copyists would have altered it to a more obscure one, whereas scribal assimilation to Synoptic parallels occurs frequently.

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Old Testament