MATTHEW 20:10 @to.# avna. dhna,rion kai. auvtoi, {C}
In the interest of heightening the emphasis, scribes moved kai.
auvtoi, to follow e;labon. Although to, might have been omitted by
scribes as superfluous, yet because of the weight of the combination
of B and D, the Committee decided to retain t... [ Continue Reading ]
MATTHEW 20:15 @h;# (1) {C}
External support for the presence or absence of h; at the beginning of
ver. Matthew 20:15 is rather evenly divided, with representative
witnesses of the Alexandrian (B and a), the Western (D and Old Latin),
and other (Q and ¦1 ¦13) texts on opposite sides. From a
transcri... [ Continue Reading ]
MATTHEW 20:16 e;scatoi. {A}
Although it is possible that the words polloi. … evkletoi, had been
accidentally omitted from an ancestor of a B L Z 085 _al_ owing to
homoeoteleuton, the Committee regarded it as much more likely that
they were added here by copyists who recollected the close of anothe... [ Continue Reading ]
MATTHEW 20:17 tou.j dw,deka @maqhta,j# {C}
Although copyists often add the word maqhtai, to the more primitive
expression oi` dw,deka (see Tischendorf’s note _in loc_. and 26.20
below), a majority of the Committee judged that the present passage
was assimilated to the text of Mark ( Mark 10:32) or... [ Continue Reading ]
MATTHEW 20:22 pi,nein. {A}
The clause h' to. ba,ptisma … baptisqh/nai, which is absent from
important early witnesses representing several types of text (a D L Z
Q ¦13 _al_), was added by scribes in order to assimilate the passage
to the parallel in Mark 10:38 f.... [ Continue Reading ]
MATTHEW 20:23 ouvk e;stin evmo.n @tou/to# dou/nai {C}
Because the word tou/to, which is absent from early and good
witnesses, occurs at various places in various witnesses, it would be
tempting to regard it as a scribal enhancement of the text.
Nevertheless, since the word does not appear in the p... [ Continue Reading ]
MATTHEW 20:26 e;stai {B}
Although the combination of B and D in support of evsti,n is not
insignificant, the Committee judged that the preponderant weight of
the external evidence supports the future tense. The same variation
occurs also in the parallel at Mark 10:43.... [ Continue Reading ]
MATTHEW 20:28 pollw/n
After pollw/n several Western witnesses (D and, with minor variations,
F it syrc, hmg) add ~Umei/j de. zhtei/te evk mikrou/ auvxh/sai kai.
evk mei,zonoj e;latton ei=nai) Eivserco,menoi de. kai. paraklhqe,ntej
deipnh/sai mh. avnakli,nesqe eivj tou.j evxe,contaj to,pouj( mh,pote... [ Continue Reading ]
MATTHEW 20:30 VEle,hson h`ma/j( @ku,rie(# {C}
Influenced by the recollection of similar passages elsewhere, copyists
have introduced many variations. Since the parallels in Mark 10:47 and
Luke 18:38 both contain VIhsou/, it is probable that the Matthean
readings involving this word are secondary. A... [ Continue Reading ]
MATTHEW 20:31 VEle,hson h`ma/j( ku,rie {C}
The sequence ku,rie( evle,hson h`ma/j is well attested by a B D L Z Q
¦13 543 892 1010 1293 ita, b, c, d, h, l, n, r1 vg syrp, pal copsa,
bo arm geo1, whereas the sequence evle,hson h`ma/j( ku,rie is attested
by î45vid C N O W X G D P S F most minuscules i... [ Continue Reading ]