Matthew 26:14
MATTHEW 26:14 VIskariw,thj See the comment on 10.4.... [ Continue Reading ]
MATTHEW 26:14 VIskariw,thj See the comment on 10.4.... [ Continue Reading ]
MATTHEW 26:20 meta. tw/n dw,deka {C} As is the case in Matthew 20:17, the reading maqhtai, after oi` dw,deka is doubtful. In the present verse the weight of the external evidence seems to favor the shorter reading.... [ Continue Reading ]
MATTHEW 26:27 poth,rion {B} The tendency of copyists would probably have been to add rather than to delete the definite article.... [ Continue Reading ]
MATTHEW 26:28 diaqh,khj {B} The word kainh/j has apparently come from the parallel passage in Luke ( Luke 22:20); if it had been present originally, there is no good reason why anyone would have deleted it.... [ Continue Reading ]
MATTHEW 26:39 At the close of ver. Matthew 26:39 several secondary witnesses (C3mg ¦13 124 230 348 543 713 788 826 828 983) add from Luke 22:43-44 the words w;fqh de. auvtw|/ a;ggeloj avpV (avpo. tou/ 543 826 983) ouvranou/ evniscu,wn auvto.n kai. geno,menoj evn avgwni,a| evktene,steron proshu,cet... [ Continue Reading ]
MATTHEW 26:71 ou-toj {B} The reading kai. ou-toj appears to have come into the text from the Lukan parallel ( Luke 22:59). The concurrence of the best representatives of the Alexandrian, the Western, and the early Syriac texts in support of the shorter reading constitutes strong external support.... [ Continue Reading ]