Philippians 1:14 lo,gon lalei/n {B}

It must be acknowledged that, on the basis of weight and variety of external evidence, the reading lo,gon tou/ qeou/ lalei/n seems to be preferable (a A B P Y 33 81 629 1241 itar vg syrp, h with * copsa, bo, fay goth arm eth Clement al). Because, however, the position and wording of the genitive modifiers (tou/ qeou/ and kuri,ou) vary, a majority of the Committee preferred the reading lo,gon lalei/n (î46vid Dc K 614 1739 itr syrh Marcion Chrysostom al) as that which best explains the origin of the other readings, which have the appearance of scribal expansions.

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Old Testament