PHILIPPIANS 3:3 qeou/ {B}
Although some (e.g. the translators of the New English Bible, 1961)
have regarded the reading pneu,mati of î46 as original, the Committee
preferred the reading pneu,mati qeou/, which is amply supported by a*
A B C Dc G K 33 81 614 1739 itg syrhmg copsa, bo _al_. The singul... [ Continue Reading ]
PHILIPPIANS 3:12 e;labon h' h;dh tetelei,wmai
The Textus Receptus, following several Western witnesses (D* Gc itar,
d, (g) Irenaeuslat Ambrosiaster) as well as î46, reads e;labon h'
h;dh dedikai,wmai h' h;dh tetelei,wmai. Although it might be argued
that because of homoeoarcton the clause h' h;dh d... [ Continue Reading ]
PHILIPPIANS 3:13 ouv {B}
The reading ouv, which is amply supported by î46 B Dc G K Y 88 1739
most Old Latin vg syrp, h copsa arm, appears to have been changed to
ou;pw (a A Dgr* P 33 614 syrh with * copbo goth eth Clement) by
copyists who considered Paul to be too modest in his protestations.... [ Continue Reading ]
PHILIPPIANS 3:15 fronw/men {A}
In place of the hortatory subjunctive, which is appropriate in the
context, the indicative is read by a L and a few other witnesses,
probably through scribal inadvertence.... [ Continue Reading ]
PHILIPPIANS 3:16 tw|/ auvtw|/ stoicei/n {A}
The earliest form of text appears to be that preserved in î16, 46 a*
A B Ivid 33 424c 1739 copsa, bo ethro _al_. Because of the conciseness
of style, copyists added various explanatory words and phrases; e.g.
the Textus Receptus reads tw|/ auvtw|/ stoicei... [ Continue Reading ]