REVELATION 12:10 kath,gwr
Codex Alexandrinus reads kath,gwr, a hapax legomenon in the New
Testament, whereas all other witnesses (including î47 a C P 046) read
the more usual Greek word kath,goroj. A majority of the Committee
preferred kath,gwr, which, it was judged, was more likely to be
altered t... [ Continue Reading ]
REVELATION 12:18 kai. evsta,qh {B}
Instead of kai. evsta,qh, which is well supported by î47 a A C about
25 minuscules (including 1854 2344) and itgig, ar vg syrh arm eth
_al,_ the Textus Receptus, following P 046 051 most minuscules syrph
copsa, bo _al_, reads Kai. evsta,qhn (preceded by a full st... [ Continue Reading ]