REVELATION 17:4 pornei,aj auvth/j {B}
Among the several readings pornei,aj auvth/j appears to be best
attested, being supported by A 1006 2344 vg syrph _al_. The
substitution of th/j gh/j for auvth/j seems to be due to a copyist’s
blunder. Codex Sinaiticus presents the conflate reading pornei,aj
a... [ Continue Reading ]
REVELATION 17:8 u`pa,gei {B}
Orthographically u`pa,gei (A 1611 2053 _al_) differs very little from
u`pa,gein (a P 046 051 1006 1854 _al_), for in Greek manuscripts final
n is often represented merely by a horizontal stroke over the
preceding letter. In the context the present indicative is the mor... [ Continue Reading ]