REVELATION 18:2 @kai. fulakh. panto.j qhri,ou avkaqa,rtou# {C}
The multiplicity of variations among the witnesses, though
complicated, is set forth clearly in the following tabular arrangement
(drawn up for the Committee by Dr. Klaus Junack), where the three main
elements are represented by 1, 2,... [ Continue Reading ]
REVELATION 18:3 tou/ oi;nou tou/ qumou/ th/j pornei,aj {B}
The reading that seems to explain best the origin of the others is
tou/ oi;nou tou/ qumou/ th/j pornei,aj, read by a 046 1006 1859 2138
copsa, boms _al_. The difficulty of understanding the expression, as
well as carelessness on the part of... [ Continue Reading ]
REVELATION 18:12 xu,lou {A}
To the scribes of several witnesses (A 1006 1841 _al_) the mention of
vessels made of wood did not seem to be congruent with the materials
that followed, and therefore they substituted li,qou for xu,lou.... [ Continue Reading ]
REVELATION 18:17 o` evpi. to,pon ple,wn {B}
The reading o` evpi. to,pon ple,wn (“he who sails for (any) part”)
is strongly supported by A C about 100 minuscules, including 1006
1854, it61 vg, as well as by a 046 0229 _al,_ which insert to,n before
to,pon. The unusual expression with to,pon (though... [ Continue Reading ]
REVELATION 18:22 kai. pa/j tecni,thj pa,shj te,cnhj {B}
The absence of pa,shj te,cnhj in a A copbo is probably accidental; the
words are adequately attested by C P 046 051 most minuscules itgig vg
syrh copsa _al,_ and are in harmony with the author’s style, but
would scarcely have been inserted by... [ Continue Reading ]